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Seasonal Fruits..HK$710.00 HK$630.00Eva Spring..HK$1,010.00 HK$930.00Red Rose and Gerbera Arrangement..HK$740.00 HK$660.00My Melody..HK$810.00 HK$730.00Want to Say Sorry to her but she dont answer your call ? Send a Message bear to her with your own apologize message now...HK$548.00 HK$468.00Celebrate love and passion with the Enchanted Romance Two Dozen Red Roses Bouquet. Featuring 24 handpicked deep red roses symbolizing timeless devotio..HK$810.00 HK$759.008 Stem Mixed Asiatic Bouquet..HK$795.00 HK$715.00A Box of Joyful Christmas hamper with Moet Chondon champagne 375ml, delicious fruits jam, sweety candies, Ferrero Rocher Star Chocolate and much more..HK$1,640.00 HK$1,560.00You may Interest
This menu displays all Best products for customers, everyone lives the products on this page, our flowers delivery services is from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Sunday
Special Deals
1 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$558.00 HK$478.0010 Gerbera Bouquet..HK$710.00 HK$630.0010 Gerberas and Chrysanthemum Bouquet..HK$760.00 HK$680.0010 Mixed Tulips Bouquet..HK$910.00 HK$830.0010 Mixed Tulips Bouquet..HK$1,110.00 HK$1,030.0010 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$810.00 HK$730.0010 Roses and 7 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$1,060.00 HK$980.00Brighten any occasion with our stunning 10-Piece Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet, a perfect blend of elegance and charm. Each flower in this bouquet is hand..HK$1,010.00 HK$960.00
Celebrate timeless love and elegance with our One Dozen Premium Fresh Red Roses Bouquet. Expertly hand-arranged by our skilled florists, this bouquet ..HK$640.00 HK$628.00Brighten someone's day with the radiant beauty of the Golden Charm Five Sunflowers Bouquet. Featuring five stunning sunflowers, this bouquet is a ..HK$610.00 HK$560.00Two Dozen Purple and Pink Roses Bouquet This Lady Queenie Rose Bouquet contain One Dozen Purple and One Dozen Pink Roses bouquet, Order t..HK$1,010.00 HK$930.00Blue Flowers Bouquet with Eight Roses in Blue Color and Two Botany in Blue Color beautifully wrapped in a Grey Papers..HK$1,110.00 HK$1,030.0099 Red Rose Style Bouquet (This product is a soap flowers) Rose bouquets come in a variety of colors and are used to convey many different meani..HK$1,759.00 HK$1,038.00Elevate any occasion with our exquisite bouquet featuring a dozen red roses, impeccably wrapped in high-quality paper to exude luxury and sophisticati..HK$680.00 HK$590.00The Pretty Pink Rose Bouquet with 30 pink color rose and eucalyptus beautifully arrange in a large bouquet, good for wedding anniversary and Birthday..HK$1,260.00 HK$1,180.00This Yellow and Orange arrangement with yellow rose, orange rose, golden phoenix ,yellow pincushion, white snap dragon, white alstroemeia, majus ..HK$910.00 HK$830.00You may Interest
This menu displays all Best products for customers, everyone lives the products on this page, our flowers delivery services is from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Sunday
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10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$810.00 HK$730.0099 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be last for one week, it should for wedding and anniv..HK$1,848.00 HK$1,768.0012 Mixed Short Stem Rose Bouquet This Vase arrangement with one doze of bloomed rose in a short vase with some seasonal greenery, you can choose diff..HK$690.00 HK$600.0012 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color..HK$1,110.00 HK$1,030.0018 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$1,040.00 HK$960.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$959.00 HK$879.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$848.00 HK$688.002 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$510.00 HK$430.00Want to make a unique statement? Send a bouquet of purple roses. This soft royal hue boasts a sweet elegance when made into one of our signature bou..HK$1,110.00 HK$1,030.0020 Stems Red Roses in a Round Gift Box The more the merrier! Having many fully-bloomed, mesmeric roses held together marvellously is a divine sight..HK$1,048.00 HK$968.0024 Long Stem Roses Bouquet..HK$1,150.00 HK$1,070.003 Rose Bouquet..HK$558.00 HK$478.0038 Rose Arrangement in Crystal Vase..HK$1,310.00 HK$1,230.004 Oriental Pink Lily Vase Bouquet..HK$640.00 HK$560.0048 Premium Rose..HK$1,810.00 HK$1,730.006 Rose Box..HK$860.00 HK$780.0099 Red Rose Style Bouquet (This product is a soap flowers) Rose bouquets come in a variety of colors and are used to convey many different meani..HK$1,759.00 HK$1,038.00Eighteen Red Rose Round Bouquet This flower bouquet consists of 18 long sticks of roses. The roses are arranged in the shape of a bouquet and given a..HK$1,040.00 HK$960.0010 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$810.00 HK$730.0099 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be last for one week, it should for wedding and anniv..HK$1,848.00 HK$1,768.0012 Mixed Short Stem Rose Bouquet This Vase arrangement with one doze of bloomed rose in a short vase with some seasonal greenery, you can choose diff..HK$690.00 HK$600.0012 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color..HK$1,110.00 HK$1,030.0018 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$1,040.00 HK$960.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$959.00 HK$879.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$848.00 HK$688.002 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$510.00 HK$430.00
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One Dozen Special Pink Roses Bouquet, Beautiful !! Sleep Queen !..HK$1,410.00 HK$1,330.00A Seasonal mixed flowers basket with lily in red color, roses, gerberas and greenly, smile enough for a patient..HK$760.00 HK$680.00Beautiful and simply said light pink tulips are a hip way to show you care. Ten delicate light pink Tulips arranged in a clear glass vase...HK$910.00 HK$830.00Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet..HK$810.00 HK$730.00An elegant sympathy wreath of fresh white flowers with seasonal flowers...HK$1,310.00 HK$1,230.0010pcs Pink color peony with Half Dozen Dark Red Roses Beautifully wrapped in a Pink Paper with Pink Decoration, the best for your Queen..HK$1,010.00 HK$930.00Daily Fresh Fruits Hamper from Hong Kong Flower Shop, Strawberry, Grape, Washington Apples, Kiwi Fruits, Pears, Juice Oranges, Blueberry, Star Fruits,..HK$710.00 HK$630.0018pcs Roses Bouquet with Purple Color Match Flowers and Fillers Beautifully wrapped with Light Brown Color Papers..HK$1,028.00 HK$948.0099 Red Rose Style Bouquet (This product is a soap flowers) Rose bouquets come in a variety of colors and are used to convey many different meani..HK$1,759.00 HK$1,038.00One Dozen Valentine Deep Red Color of Roses arrangement in a Clear Glass Vase..HK$1,510.00 HK$1,430.00Express your heartfelt emotions with our "Blushing Elegance: One Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet." Perfectly curated to convey affection, gratitude..HK$610.00 HK$540.00Chinese New Year plants..HK$960.00 HK$880.00Most Popular Product of Flowers
Offer your condolences in a most memorable way and show that you will never forget with this peaceful arrangement. Sympathy Flowers arrangement with s..HK$1,160.00 HK$1,080.00Tulips on Salix Frame, 9 Tulips and 12 Roses..HK$910.00 HK$830.00Send some special cookies to her on her birthday or anniversary, so sweet..HK$288.00 HK$208.00Korean Style Pink Color Gypsophila Flowers Bouquet Send this pretty pink flowers to a pretty lady to tell her you to have a special feeling with her...HK$740.00 HK$660.00Birthday Packing - 2908 Birthday Package - Rose Bouquet + 10 inch Tall Brown Teddy Bear Flowers Bouquet : 20 Stems Rose Hand Bouquet in Roun..HK$1,140.00 HK$1,060.00Gerbera , Lily and Iris Bouquet..HK$740.00 HK$660.00Small Gerbera Bouquet..HK$610.00 HK$530.00Christmas Hamper include wine, cakes, Belgian chocolate, cookies, nuts, crispy biscuits, liqueur chocolates, biscuits, almond, chocolate biscuits, cho..HK$1,840.00 HK$1,760.00Mid Autumn Festival Fruits Hamper, seasonal fruits, juicy orange, apple, red grape, sweetie kiwi fruit..HK$760.00 HK$680.0015 Stems Purple Color Calla Lily in Cube Vase If you're looking for an elegant calla lily bouquet for a very special lady, that is unique and interes..HK$1,610.00 HK$1,530.00Zhejiang Jinhua ham, crispy almonds, walnuts, terminalia, sesame and melon seeds, sweet and fragrant and chewy. The best Autumn taste...HK$508.00 HK$428.006 Roses package with chocolate and balloon..HK$780.00 HK$700.00